Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Moko Wants Candy Blog

So there is this blog that I occasionally venture to and although I don't know this person at all her blog stories just crack me up! She is a fan of candy and loves almost all things sweet. I believe she lives in London. So how did I stumble upon this wonderfully funny blog? It all started one day, I believe we were giving romantic advise to Dessi. We means Colleen and me. We all know that Dessi LOVES chocolate and she'd rather eat chocolate than real food. I know this because she has done it on more than one occasion. Anyway, Colleen found this hilarious story about Nutella, the yummy hazelnut chocolate spread. Here is the blog that we all read first:

I highly recommend visiting this site cause her stories are so entertaining you'll just laugh out loud...just read another fav of mine that I seriously laughed out loud in my field of cubicles:


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Meet the newest member of our family...

So we are finally here 12 weeks! Time to announce to the world that we have a little one on the way! It is such an interesting story how our baby came to be. We found out the week of Thanksgiving about 2 weeks before I was headed into surgery for a large (almost 4-inch) ovarian cyst. Needless to say we were pretty shocked when we left the doctor's office. I would say we probably didn't really speak in the car as Mervin drove me back to work. If we did we just looked at each other and chuckled. Now I've seen the baby's heartbeat, seen it move its arms and stretch out its back. Truly fascinating to see such a small little thing looking like an almost human. Who knew that you could get attached so much just by looking at it! It is more real now knowing how big it is (about 2 inches) and that it moves and has a heartbeat. We should know the gender of the baby in about 7-10 days. We decided to do some testing for Down Syndrome since they felt they found something in one of our ultrasound appointments. Very scary to know. But I just have to have faith that all will be right and God will only give us what we can handle and nothing more. I just hope I have as much faith as He has in me. :D