Yesterday I had the pleasure of my very first CT Scan. What an experience I must say. The day started out with drinking a "berry smoothie" which did not have any resemblance of anything berry and looked more like watered down Elmer's glue. The first bottle I had to drink at 6am within 30 mins. It went down okay no problem but the thought of drinking a 2nd bottle already was getting to me. Upon my arrival I was instructed to change into a very fashionable gown and to keep my shoes on. This day I had these really great suede and gold shoes so I was walking the red carpet on my way to the machine. I did have to say that this contraption was very fascinating and I found myself wondering how this machine was even invented and how it worked. Looks like I will be making a pit stop to either howstuffworks.com or wikipedia. Apparently while some of the photos are being taken it is necessary to hold your breath. At first for 5 sec and then 16 sec and lastly 10 sec. All my years of practicing holding my breath actually came in handy on this day. I also found that I get nervous trying to follow the technician's directions. Its like I am a 5 year old just learning to understand the words breath in and breath out. Needless to say everything took just about 20 min and I was out of there ready for a 4 hour nap when I got home. Now only if I can see what my insides will look like. Hopefully the doc will show me!
It's been nice hearing what your experience has been so now I will know what to expect if I ever have one! The machines can be fascinating for sure!
mmmm Smoothies!!! hehehe That sounds very cool and not as scary as the MRI. It is pretty cool to see them light you up on the x-ray box and show you your insides when you get to the doctor!
i think you should elaborate on the fact that you've spent all these many years practicing holding your breath. what made you do that? is it that you were hoping for a career in a field where it would come in handy to hold your breath for long periods of time such as synchronized swimming or cleaning out port-a-potties or perhaps even a coffin model? or is there a sense of kismet in all this - like maybe all your life has been leading up to this one moment and ever since you were a child you just kinda knew that one day you would be having a ct scan and would have to hold your breath for 16 seconds? either way, it's a bit disturbing to know that there are actually people who practice holding their breath. did you use charts so that you could mark your progress as your breath-holding abilities grew? i bet you could really huff and puff and blow all your birthday candles out with no problems whatsoever. i genuinely like you koren, but i find this side of you a bit disturbing.
I practiced holding my breath for fun and no charting was necessary. Perhaps somewhere in my subconscious I dreamed of a career in synchronized swimming, capturing the gold away from those Chinese. Their swimming was not that impressive for their scores..oh wait that was gymnastics! Either way, my hobby of holding my breath was merely for the fun of it. I hope that maybe that will appease your uneasiness and put me back in your likable friends column with no disturbing facts.
Did you actually take a photo of that machine?! It looks like something from Star Trek! Since my CT Scan was only on my head, mine was really small. "Your" machine is big and scary . . . what an expereince, eh?!
I actually found this great image on-line. I wonder if they would have approved the picture taking in there. I am sure she would have thought I was a lunatic and should be getting my CT scan of my head! LOL! :D It wasn't too scary...it was pretty cool!
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